Taking back control of my data has been on my mind for a little while now. I can’t switch it off. I love a good challenge and this looks like an itch I’m really going to have to scratch. Will I reach privacy and control heaven?
I’m geared up and going in. Follow along and find out. Worst case you’ll see a grown man cry. Best case, you think about how much of your data is flying around the world and who’s accessing it…
Technology is great. Computers are great. They make so many things easier and faster. But, increasingly, we have to give up our privacy and data/file ownership to use these technologies.
In our hunt for more control over our daily lives, particularly our time, we end up handing control of all these things to a third party.
Whilst looking for more control, we’ve lost complete control.
I’ve been in the technology industry long enough to know that most of the latest flashy new tools, ‘Big Tech’, declare with such fanfare, start life as OpenSource projects run by people who want to make change for the greater good of all.
It’s then branded and repackaged, and access is sold to you for a monthly subscription.
So, I know the technology and the APIs are out there. The question is, can I create the tools that people are paying monthly subscriptions for in-house? And, regain my privacy, take back control of my files/data, cut costs and remove vendor reliance?
Let’s find out. The journey begins…