Who am i

Who Am I

Well… I don’t wear a leather trenchcoat and sunglasses 24 hrs a day and I don’t see the world through a green haze of 0’s and 1’s…Just to clear that up. But it’s true I’m never far from a computer of some sort or other. I’m a Linux guy…Sucked into a world of frustrating and amazing possibilities 🙂

I’m a Tech junkie that loves troubleshooting (Turns out that’s a good mix…Tech often takes a lot of troubleshooting to get it just right). Lots of technologies are looked upon like dark arts (only known by “special” people). It’s not true…Anybody can do it. You just need to be prepared to fail (A lot), but do it quickly, learn from those mistakes and change course.

I love learning, you can’t beat the powerful reset of learning something new. Looking at something for the first time, knowing you haven’t got a clue…Accepting it and starting a new journey anyway. How can that not be rewarding, right?

Doing the things that cause normal people to pull their hair out is “my” normal. Why?.. Why not? Armed with why and what I want to be able to do, my journey to possibility begins. With logic and will leading the way.

For starters I always read the manual (At least once), I break any system down into chunks, and then take a step back and look again. I’ve been in IT for over 25 years and this has always served me well. Too often solutions grow too complicated and too big. Solutions should be kept as lean and simple as possible. Complexity is ALWAYS the killer (eventually).

I fell in love with IT for its promise to make life/work better, easier and faster. The bit I miss dearly…Privacy and transparency. Most of the world’s data sits in two countries. “Build in the open” was the mantra from Big Tech as they collected the data. We’ve forgotten the value of data (especially our own). If it wasn’t valuable Big Tech would spend so much money and effort collecting it. Value your data, it is you. BigData and Big IT have a lot to answer for. I don’t believe the DIGITAL world should mean your privacy and control should go out of the window just to use these fantastic and powerful technologies.

The menu of technical solutions available is far bigger than Big Tech wants you to see. Why offer choice and control if you’ll accept what you’re given…

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